No Sleep Til Sunday® stays up all night
to craft brands and visuals with precision
that keeps the world awake.
Kingdom Rise
For years we've had the opportunity to lead the way with art & creative direction for Anchor Faith Church's Kingdom Rise Conference. With a name that immediately offers plenty in the way of imagery, we've always had a blast stretching some creative muscle and craft visuals that leave a lasting impact.
Brand & Identity
Video & Photography
Social Strategy
Web Design

Each time we get the chance to revisit this "brand," we love stretching the limits and pushing our capabilities. There's always a lot of touch points that are required for events like this, promo flyers, social posts, logotype, lockups, apparel design, videos, motion graphics, etc.
Take a look below and navigate through the various promotional and highlight content we've created over the last few years for Kingdom Rise Conference and the various themes and vibes we've had the opportunity to explore.

Whether it's glitch elements, pixelated iconography, archival illustrations, or custom hand lettering, there's always enough breadth and depth to this theme to allow us new room to explore. From crowns and flaming swords, destroyed serpents, and hands reaching for the stars, enjoy some additional illustrated elements for various apparel designs from years past.
We've transformed environments with short-term mural installations, created custom looks for photography teams, and created custom name fields for guest speakers and other feature spots.

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